As the weather warms up, it's time to focus your spring cleaning efforts outside the house. Prepare your lawn and landscaping for the upcoming summer months with these simple steps. Lawn
Pick up debris such as twigs, litter and pet waste.
When the grass is dry, rake up lingering leaves and thatch (matted dead grass).
If there are any bare spots in your yard, sprinkle with a combination of topsoil, grass seed and fertilizer.
Trees and shrubs
Cut off any branches that are dead, diseased or encroaching on walkways.
Tie the tops of ornamental grasses, and cut them as close to the ground as possible.
Prune flowering bushes like roses and hydrangeas before they begin to bloom. Remove dead, damaged or crowded stems, and shape as desired. Shrubs like lilacs and forsythia, which bloom in early spring, should not be pruned until after they bloom.
Flower beds
Remove weeds, dead plants and old mulch.
Till the ground and add landscape fabric to flower beds to keep weeds at bay.
Reinforce current perennials with compost. Spread a new layer of mulch after spring planting is complete.