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  • Writer's pictureMike Roberts

Is a Zero-Lot-Line Home for You?

For homeowners wanting little or no yard to maintain, a zero-lot-line home may be the answer. What is a zero lot line home, and is it right for you?

Definition of zero-lot-line home

A traditional single-family home is situated on a lot with front, back and two side yards. With a zero lot line home, at least one side of the house sits against the property line, eliminating one or both side yards. Some zero-lot-line homes may have minimal, if any, front and back yards. The house may be attached, or not, to other homes.

Garden homes, townhomes, and row houses are examples of zero-lot-line homes. These are found most often in urban areas with high population density, which allows more homes to be built in a neighborhood.

Advantages of a zero-lot-line home

Zero lot line homes may be less expensive than a traditional home and lot. A zero-lot-line home allows the buyer to put more of their money into a house and less into a yard. This means the homes require less maintenance expense. In some zero-lot-line neighborhoods, a homeowners association manages landscape maintenance.

A garden home is a stand-alone zero lot line structure. Others, like row houses and townhomes, share one or two walls with other homes. This is less than a condominium or apartment, which could share walls with as many as five neighbors.

Disadvantages of a zero-lot-line home

If you enjoy cultivating a landscape, you might be better suited for a traditional single-family home on a conventional lot. Having a yard on all sides of your house conveys a sense of spaciousness.

Though not as intimate with neighbors as a condo or apartment, zero-lot-line homes put you closer to other people than you would be in a traditional neighborhood. You may view this as a good thing or feel too crowded in a zero-lot-line neighborhood.

Zero-lot-line homes tend to appreciate in value less than traditional two-family homes, which limits resale value.

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